We Organized a Seminar on the Basic Rules of Safe Driving!

The “Basic Rules of Safe Driving” Seminar organized by Tarım Kredi Logistics on 28.08.2024 attracted the attention of Tarım Kredi Group employees.

29 August 2024 Review
From Denizli to all of Turkey…

Our subsidiary company TK Süt A.Ş. All transportation services of the Milk and Dairy Products Factory located in Denizli Acıpayam have started to be managed by us as of 01.06.2024.

12 July 2024 Review
Our driving training continues...

26 June 2024 Review
We delivered Ramadan Aid Packages to those in need abroad.

Within the scope of 2024 Ramadan organizations, 20 thousand food aid parcels belonging to the General Directorate of Foundations...

16 April 2024 Review
We Carry Food Aid Packages for Gaza

On March 24, 2024, food aid parcels prepared under the coordination of the General Directorate of...

25 March 2024 Review
Tarım Kredi Logistics was entitled to receive the ISO 9001-2015 Quality Certificate.

It has been registered that Tarım Kredi Logistics' Quality Management System complies with...

04 January 2024 Review
Our services have started at Agricultural Credit Marketing Ankara Akyurt Warehouse.

Our logistics activities have started with 7 vehicles in TK Marketcilik Ankara Akyurt warehouse, which...

15 November 2023 Review
Honey purchased from Bingöl producers was sent to the Agricultural Credit Cooperative markets with our vehicles.

Agricultural Credit Cooperative purchased 435 tons of honey from 111 producers in the city in order...

03 November 2023 Review
Our vehicle portfolio continues to increase with our new investments.

Our vehicle investments started with 11 refrigerated trucks in early 2023; Towards the end of the year...

25 October 2023 Review
Our services have started at Agricultural Credit Marketing Afyon Warehouse.

TK Tarım Kredi Marketcilik ve Pazarlama A.Ş. Within the scope of micro transportation activities of...

20 October 2023 Review
As It Was Yesterday, It Is With Agricultural Credit Producer Today

Tarım Kredi Group continues to stand by the earthquake victims with all its might from the first moment of the earthquake...

03 April 2023 Review
End to End