We Organized a Seminar on the Basic Rules of Safe Driving!
29 August 2024

The “Basic Rules of Safe Driving” Seminar organized by Tarım Kredi Logistics on 28.08.2024 attracted the attention of Tarım Kredi Group employees.

The information presented by the traffic safety expert in the seminar covered various topics in line with the goal of increasing the road safety of our drivers. Among these topics; 

  • Basic Traffic Rules: Basic traffic rules to be observed while driving and the importance of signs. 
  • Defensive Driving Techniques: Defensive driving techniques to be applied to reduce the risk of accidents. 
  • What to Do Before and After an Accident: What to do in the event of an accident and emergency management. 
  • Effects of Alcohol and Drugs on Driving: The effects of alcohol and drugs on driving and how to prevent these situations.

With the information they received from the expert speaker, the participants had the opportunity to develop safe driving habits and gain important information on preventing traffic accidents.

We would like to thank the Ankara Police Department Traffic Control Branch Directorate and the Safe Traffic Trainer for their valuable contributions.

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