Tarım Kredi Logistics Joint Stock Company

was established in Ankara on January 25, 2017 by the Central Union of Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri of Turkey. 100% of the company shares belong to the Central Union of Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri of Turkey.

The purpose of establishment; To provide high added value to the Turkish economy by managing transportation and logistics activities in an up-to-date, effective and efficient manner in line with the needs of the country, primarily agricultural activities.

Tarım Kredi Logistics; It provides transportation and distribution services to every point in Turkey and to certain locations abroad.

Tarım Kredi Logistics has branches and liaison offices at 22 points in total.

Tarım Kredi Logistics, which guarantees all of its services with the most comprehensive insurance clauses; It monitors all its vehicles online 24/7.

Tarım Kredi Lojistik A.Ş., which also carries out intensive work with the private sector and public institutions/organizations; continues to work rapidly with its innovative approaches that shape the sector.


To be a valuable and trusted Turkish brand that maximizes satisfaction by providing the best service to our customers within the framework of quality standards.



To provide sectoral awareness in the field we serve with our professional staff and to be a preferred transportation and logistics company.

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